30 Sep 2016 SHIP Team were attending the 44th IPO´S Annual meeting in New York On September 11-13, 2016 New York (USA) hosted the 44th IPO´s Annual Meeting. Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO), is a trade association for owners of patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. IPO serves all intellectual property... SEE MORE
28 Sep 2016 SHIP at the Patente Lawyer Magazine SHIP Global IP: The new rising star in the intelectual property sector. SHIP is an Intellectual Property portfolio management company and one of the world's leading patent management service providers. It combines the know-how of the intellectual property... SEE MORE
28 Sep 2016 Europe issues better patents than US: Europe Patent Boss By Andrew Chung REUTERS Amid growing concerns by some U.S. lawmakers that federal officials may be granting patents that fuel abusive litigation, the head of the European Patent Office says his agency is producing better-quality patents than its American... SEE MORE
28 Sep 2016 SHIP Team were attending the 138th INTA's Annual Meeting in Orlando On May 21-25, 2016 Orlando (USA) hosted the 138th INTA’s (the International Trademark Association) Annual Meeting. This year’s conference attracted a record number of participants — more than 10,000.00 of 149 countries from all over the world. The... SEE MORE
28 Sep 2016 Milan challeges London for patent court By Jane Croft for FT Milan wants to replace London as the site of a new court to rule on pharmaceutical patents in Europe, arguing that the UK should be excluded in the wake of the Brexit vote. The new court is part of the long-awaited unitary European... SEE MORE