01 Jun 2021 CATEGORY Trademark ManagementIP Management How the Trademark Modernization Act affects trademarks The Trademark Modernization Act will take effect in December 2021 in the United States. The changes introduced affect the registration application procedure and the way in which current legislation is applied in the face of potential infractions, especially when the registration comes from a foreign country. Here, SHIP summarizes the three most important modifications when applying for trademark registration with the USPTO. SEE MORE
11 May 2021 CATEGORY IP EventsIP Management 2021 World Intellectual Property Day World Intellectual Property Day is observed annually on 26 April. The event was created by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2000 to "raise awareness of how patents, copyright, trademarks and designs impact on daily life" and "to celebrate creativity, and the contribution made by creators and innovators to the development of societies across the globe". SEE MORE