IP portfolio management company centralization
03 Dec 2019

Eight reasons for choosing an IP portfolio management company to coordinate your filing processes

As you know, intellectual property management is quite an arduous process, with numerous formalities that require close attention.

Although some companies prefer to do everything in-house, as their IP portfolio grows, many look to an external partner to help them with all those time-consuming tasks.

Why entrust the coordination of IP processes to a comprehensive portfolio and intellectual property rights management service?
Engaging an external partner that specializes in intellectual property services can be of great benefit to many companies.  There are countless suppliers on the market providing specific services, but having several suppliers only fragments the services that your portfolio requires.

Entrusting all your intellectual property services to a single, specialist company that operates worldwide allows you to achieve administrative and financial savings, and gives you optimal control over your entire portfolio.

Here are eight good reasons why you should partner with a company like SHIP Global IP:

  1. To handle all the necessary formalities through a single vendor, using a single management software solution, regardless of whether you are dealing with patents or trademarks, annuity payments or office actions, from the submission of a patent to the legal support associated with it. That’s a good enough reason in itself!
  2. To have an outside perspective on your portfolio management strategy. An external company studies, develops, and manages IP strategies for numerous companies in different industries, which all have their own unique requirements.  Creating a smart IP portfolio can be tremendously advantageous for any company, and the knowledge and experience of an external specialist is certainly of great help.
  3. Adding qualified staff and specialist knowledge to your management team at the times of year when your portfolio requires them, without having to raise or lower your own headcount, saves a lot of time on internal administrative management and costs.
  4. It significantly improves your control of your portfolio, as all the work that your IP portfolio needs is in the hands of one company. From the concept, right to the end of the IP protection life cycle.
  5. It saves hours of cumbersome administrative tasks, leaving your team free to focus on more strategic issues.
  6. Significant cost savings. Instant quotes with no hidden extras, and low translation costs using our in-house team of translators and the rates negotiated with our agents add up to savings of between 25 - 50%. 
  7. Free choice of agent, as we pre-approve the best ones in each country. Select the agent you prefer, or choose from among our pre-approved agents.
  8. Secure online access to our SHIP HELM platform, any time and anywhere.

Isn’t it more efficient to outsource to several suppliers?

The answer is no.

A solution that provides all the services of an IP department is far more effective, with a single point of contact and significant time and cost savings.

Few companies in the sector are able to offer a complete IP portfolio management service with global coverage, but they do exist.   SHIP Global IP can’t wait to show you how dedicated we are to our work.   Why not give us a call?


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